Share Your Story of Transformation


How To Make a Video: Please submit only one video under seven minutes in length. YouTube/Google Account: In order to upload your video, you must have a valid YOUTUBE ACCOUNT. Clear sound is crucial: if no one can hear it, no one will watch it. Make sure to shoot in quiet environments and project. Don’t backlight: Make sure light is on your face and not behind it — i.e. don’t sit in front of a bright window. Please don’t use our logo: Please don’t use our logo in your video, as it is trademarked.


All videos and written content submitted to the Foundation for Conscious Living for inclusion on its website are screened internally to determine, in the sole opinion of the Foundation for Conscious Living, whether the item includes appropriate messaging. The Foundation for Conscious Living may discontinue or decline to share a video or written content submitted to it for reasons including, but not limited to: the item contains offensive, vulgar or violent content.